D i s c o v e r N i a g a r a ' s B e s t K e p t S e c r e t s : E x c l u s i v e P r i v a t e W i n e r y T o u r s !
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON
B e l l a T e r r a V i n e y a r d s
Nestled amongst the sprawling vineyards of the prestigious Four Mile Creek sub-appellation, Bella Terra Vineyards sits on a 50 acre grape farm that has been tended to by the Puglisi family since 1974. Our family-owned winery has been handed down from one generation to the next. As you sip any one of Bella Terra’s wines, you are tasting three generations of grape-growing and winemaking experience. Walk-ins are welcomed on a first come, first serve basis!
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON
Q u e e n s t o n M i l e V i n e y a r d
Although Queenston Mile is our newest winery, we’re anything but new to wine. Our small, dedicated team has spent the past twenty years honing their craft at our 50-acre vineyard in St. David’s Bench.
Formed when glaciers carved out the Niagara Escarpment, the St. David’s Bench is slightly warmer during the late season when the grapes are ripening. Combined with an early spring warming, this results in a unique growing season that ensures each of our varietals is brimming with personality.
It’s taken two decades to fully appreciate what makes our site so unique. You can’t hurry great wine, though. And for us, it’s the constant searching and experimenting that makes the journey so rewarding.
Award winning wines and world class farm-to-table dining
R a v i n e V i n e y a r d E s t a t e W i n e r y
Ravine Vineyard Estate Winery is a timeless Niagara destination for award winning wines and world class farm-to-table dining, steeped in history, family legacy and agricultural heritage. Situated in the heart of St. Davids, our charming and historical property offers a unique escape from the everyday hustle and bustle while being conveniently located only minutes from the QEW. We look forward to hosting you on our fifth-generation family farm and sharing our passion for wine and culinary experiences alongside breathtaking views of our rolling organic vineyards!
Experience Wine On A Whole New Level
D e S i m o n e V i n e y a r d s E s t a t e W i n e r y
A family of passionate individuals that love all things vinous.
B i g H e a d W i n e s
A family of passionate individuals that love all things vinous. We have been making wine in the area for over a decade, and this is our first project on our own. We source only the best fruit from the Niagara region, working closely with growers that share our attention to detail and pursuit of the highest quality. We hope you enjoy!
Wine Country
N i a g a r a C o l l e g e T e a c h i n g W i n e r y a n d B r e w e r y
In 2000, Niagara College established the Winery and Viticulture Technician program at the Daniel J. Patterson campus in Niagara-on-the-lake. The program is the first of its kind in Canada in that the Teaching Winery facilitates the learning enterprise of the program. Presently located amidst 38 acres of College vineyards, the teaching winery allows the students to have immediate access to a hands-on experience in a real-time working environment to produce award winning wines.
Niagara Icewine Winery
T h e I c e H o u s e W i n e r y w a r e h o u s e
Visit the Ice House Winery, the only winery in Niagara-on-the-Lake that specializes in icewine, a sweet wine made from grapes that froze on the vine. Inside a charming former peach-packing barn dating back to the 19th century, Ice House guides will turn you into an icewine expert. Learn how the unique wine is made, how icewine is mixed with other wines and into cocktails, and how to pair icewine with food. This small-group tour is limited to six people, ensuring personalized attention.
Award-winning Canadian Winery
J a c k s o n - T r i g g s N i a g a r a E s t a t e
We are devoted to delivering great taste in every bottle. Our grapes are harvested at the pinnacle of ripeness creating rich, vibrant flavours.
For over 30 years, Jackson-Triggs has poured passion into winemaking, and we are proud to be an award-winning Canadian winery.
The dream inspires a new generation
P e l l e r E s t a t e
Peller Estates has been crafting quality wines for Canadians for over 50 years. Whether poured around the dinner table at home, or enjoyed during an immersive wine and culinary experience at our award-winning Niagara-on-the-Lake winery, there is no greater honour than when our wines are shared with family and friends.
Niagara's newest wine country destination
W a y n e G r e t z k y E s t a t e s W i n e r y & D i s t i l l e r y
C a v e S p r i n g V i n e y a r d ,
For Cave Spring Vineyard, the compounding effect of four decades of carefully considered decisions has earned our winery the reputation of a proud pioneer, brave enough to try new things, and patient enough to await the rewards revealed with every passing vintage. At Cave Spring Vineyard, every decision we make is measured against a single question that serves as our collective compass: Does this choice enhance our ability to create wines that capture and express the terroir of our vineyards?
Continually asking ourselves this question guides our evolution, from the selection of the cool-climate varieties we grow to our rigorous commitment to sustainability, the utilization of exclusively indigenous yeasts and neutral oak in the cellars, and our constant crusade for more demanding industry standards.
1 3 t h S t r e e t W i n e r y
13th Street Winery, founded in 1998, celebrates over twenty-five years of winemaking in Niagara in 2023! Originally started by four amateur winemaker friends and located on 13th Street in Jordon Ontario, the winery was purchased in 2008 by the current owners: John Mann and Doug & Karen Whitty who moved the winery to the current location on Fourth Avenue in St Catharines.
Both the Mann and Whitty families have deep roots in the Niagara community and share a common love of wine, food, art, and a genuine heart for hospitality. It was this shared appreciation that brought them together and inspired the vision for 13th Street Winery.
We are honoured to be awarded No.1 Winery in Ontario and #2 in Canada at the 2022 National Wine Awards of Canada.
Jordan, Ontario
C r e e k s i d e E s t a t e W i n e r y
Creekside Estate Winery opened in 1997 in small-town Jordan, Ontario. The Winery is run by a passionate (some say fanatical) group of industry veterans who have decades of experience in their respective fields. The team of self-described cork dorks love what they do, and have fun doing it.
The winery is decidedly non-conformist; dogs are welcome, the BBQ’s always ready and if you want to go on a tour you better bring your boots.
Welcome to The Wine Lodge
F i e l d i n g E s t a t e W i n e r y
Since 2005, our team has been producing outstanding small lot, award-winning wines. From complex bold reds, to aromatic crisp whites and our signature Estate bottled wines are well received. The Long Weekend Wine Co. brand of phenomenal quality, easy drinking red, white and rose blends joined the portfolio along side our signature craft cider with limited editions made from 100% Niagara fruit blends.
Niagara, Ontario
T h e F o r e i g n A f f a i r W i n e r y
In 2000, taking a leap of faith, Len and Marisa bought 40 acres of prime farmland in the Vinemount Ridge sub-appellation of Niagara’s Twenty Valley wine region, starting their journey to becoming trailblazers of Appassimento winemaking in Canada. They sourced quality vinifera varietals from Europe, and after three years of carefully nurturing vines, 2004 became the inaugural vintage of Foreign Affair wines.
Today, The Foreign Affair Winery offers a unique and diverse selection of award-winning wines, all touched by the Appassimento process in some way, and many stories to share about the journey.
Niagara, Ontario
H e n r y o f P e l h a m F a m i l y E s t a t e W i n e r y
In the late 18th century, our great-great-great grandfather was deeded the land on which our Ontario winery sits in present day St. Catharines. Fast forward six generations and we’re still on the family farm in the Short Hills Bench sub-appellation of the Niagara Peninsula.
Beamsville Bench of the Niagara Peninsula
T h e O r g a n i z e d C r i m e W i n e r y
We are a second-generation, family-owned, small boutique winery located on the renowned Beamsville Bench of the Niagara Peninsula. Our little parcel of south-facing land hangs over the hillside edges of the Bench, and provides an ideal environment for cool climate winegrowing.
Atop the Niagara Escarpment
D o m a i n e Q u e y l u s
Domaine Queylus is a prominent winery located in the Niagara Benchlands wine region. It is known for its commitment to producing high-quality wines using sustainable practices. The winery focuses on varietals that thrive in the Niagara climate, such as Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Cabernet Franc.
Perched atop the Niagara Escarpment
M e g a l o m a n i a c W i n e s
Perched atop the Niagara Escarpment in Vineland with the best view in wine country, Megalomaniac Wines is open year round. Megalomaniac was ranked #3 on the National Wine Awards’ list of the Top 25 Wineries in Canada .Take a seat indoors or on the patio overlooking the vineyard. Casual fare and light bites by Revalee with exclusive Megalomaniac wines and sparkling wine cocktails are served from brunch to dark. Enjoy a Vineyard Walk as you sip, stroll and learn on a 30-minute guided experience to the most Instagram-worthy, wow-inspiring spots amongst the vines on our 65-acre vineyard.
C F X - T h e C h o c o l a t e F a c t o r y E x p e r i e n c e
Carefully crafted using artisanal chocolate panning and molding techniques, CFX provides an incredible assortment of products that can delight even the most discriminating palate. Our mission is to explore unusual taste combinations and twist the expected norms. Opened a week before Valentine’s Day in 2005 we have strived to take the enjoyment of chocolate to a new level of indulgence. Our chocolate delicacies are made in our chocolate factory in St. Davids, Ontario, Canada – right in the heart of Niagara-On-The-Lake’s wine region.
Your Private Passport to Niagara’s Premier Wineries!
Luxurious Escapes: Tailored Private Tours of Niagara's Finest Wineries!
Book a visit to the winery to experience first-hand the magical atmosphere of Niagara Wineries, nibble on the sweetest and ripest sorts of grapes and taste our best wines. Perfect for a family trip, your anniversary, or any social event.